Monday, January 23, 2012

Coast DJs want to keep up with the Kardashians

To say the Kardashians weren't famous before their reality TV show is inaccurate; Kim, firm leader, was a known model and socialite well before US pop culture creationist Ryan Seacrest locked them in to contracts with cameras.

But it's fair to say without their slick television screen vehicle, their celebrity, and their fortune, wouldn't enjoy the single-name fame usually reserved for the likes of Madonna, or Bush, or Jesus.

And while Stafford isn't a name that rolls off the tongue with identity surety, fame is definitely what Gold Coast brothers Matt and Chris hope to achieve through their own reality show, picked up for a second, extended, season on Fox 8.
 The Stafford Brothers follows the pair of DJ siblings as they quest for world domination. After conquering the European club scene across the six parts of their debut broadcast, the duo are now determined to take the show all the way to the USA, via Asia, and Surfers Paradise.

Joining them on the mad-cap adventure is their manager Joey Lamattina, the Kris Jenner (Kardashian matriarch and Kim's 'Momager') if you will. There's also Matt's girlfriend, Brooke Evers, who's packed off to Sydney to pursue a career with a men's magazine, causing the kind of relationship strain familiar to soap fans.

Except, as Matt points out, this drama is real life. Real reality television life.
“We were stoked [to get the second season]. You want to deliver on the first one, but you want a second series to prove the first one's actually any good,” he says.

“We never thought, 'oh this might go wrong'… It was sort of like, let's bring the cameras along, and bring this to the world, and it's definitely increased our profile within Australia.”

Though it's not really Australia they're worried about. Matt, the oldest of the pushing-30 pair, explains they've already “done everything” there is for a pair of disc spinners to do Down Under.

With Lamattina, they own their own nightclubs on the glitter strip and they have scaled the heights of domestic dance music charts. Their local success has led to high profile bookings across Mediterranean party meccas. Pleasure seekers in Mykonos and Ibiza have sampled their sets.

It's a far cry from where they began almost a decade ago as a couple of Kiwi expats mucking about with rugby and music after school. As Matt tells it, they lied their way into their first gig - a spot at the Beach House in Billy's Hotel on the Esplanade.
  “Someone had stolen the resident's gear. They needed someone, and we said we could do it, when we couldn't really. But here we are – that's the beginning,” he says, and laughs; they were the “good old days”.

The nostalgia seems at odds with the well defined ambition that characterises he and his brother. Despite the growing fame, the whiff of great success and glory, do the Stafford brothers regret turning their lives into a travelling, televised and tiring circus?

Matt, self-confessed optimist and work-horse, says no – no regrets. But in rattling off his hoped for benchmarks of success, he reveals the duo aren't quite happy with their lot yet. They still have to queue at airports. They still get snubbed by some local promoters.

“We're playing Future Music festival here in Australia and we're on the main stage, but Swedish House Mafia is the name you see at the top, and we want to be those guys,” he says.

Throw private jets into the bargain, and they'll be contented men. Especially if Stafford can hold a candle to Kardashian?

“I think we're on the right path,” Matt says. “The show's now in Canada, Brazil and central Europe, so hopefully it'll open us up to different markets – we're into spreading the love around the world.”

The Stafford Brothers season two premieres Friday, January 27 at 8.30pm on Fox 8.

source: The Sydney Morning Herald