Sunday, January 29, 2012

Emma Sutherland's health & beauty secrets!

Tell us a bit about yourself...
I was inspired to become a naturopath after living on the beautiful Greek island of Ithaca – the old people were so full of energy and there was something amazing about them! They taught me about wholefoods and natural living. My passion is to use my traditional knowledge and combine it with modern science to help women get their mojo back. I believe that every woman deserves to have that radiating, wonderful, sexy confidence that oozes from within.

You have worked on Eat Yourself Sexy. What problems do you typically come across that people have from eating badly?
What I notice immediately is their aged skin, dull hair and poor vitality. They will complain of always feeling tired and are often experiencing moodiness or even anxiety and depression. They also carry abdominal weight and have a habit of not prioritising their own emotional and physical well being.

Can you simply "eat" yourself sexy or is there a little more involved than just diet?
There is more involved as it takes mental & emotional health to be sexy as well as physical health. Sexiness needs to radiate from within and you need to embrace yourself, flaws and all, to feel truly sexy.

What foods can people eat to help improve their sex lives?
* Avocado is my number one sexy food as it is full of omega 3 essential fatty acids which promote optimal hormone balance.
* Latest research has proven that pomegranate boosts libido in men and women.
* Superfoods such as raw cacao, Acai and Maca are rich in energy boosting antioxidants.
* Quinoa is gluten free and has high levels of the relaxing mineral magnesium – perfect to get you in the mood!
* Kefir, yoghurt or miso soup contain healthy probiotics which support digestive health and reduce unwanted bloating.

Why is digestive health so important?
In wholistic medicine, we believe that all disease begins in the digestive system. Almost 70% of our immune system lines our digestion so any digestive imbalance will immediately compromise your ability to fight disease.

What is your top tip for better digestive health?
Take a good quality probiotic supplement, such as Wagner’s Probiotica P3, daily to aid digestion and help support the immune system. Probiotica P3 requires no refrigeration and is formulated with specially-cultured acid resistant strains of good bacteria designed to improve your intestinal flora balance and control the levels of harmful bacteria in the gut. It also contains only natural ingredients and is free from dairy, making it a great option for those who are lactose intolerant.

If people are suffering from health problems related to their stomachs and bowel, what do you recommend they do? Should they visit their GP first?
The first thing they should do is start taking a high quality probiotic daily which will help to re-balance their digestive system. Secondly eliminate sugar, caffeine and alcohol to reduce the burden on your digestion and then see a health professional such as a naturopath for further support.