Sunday, April 15, 2012

Five precious minutes with Sophie Falkiner

Carmex, the iconic lip balm - famous for soothing and seducing the most ravaged of lips announced its first ever Australian Ambassador in 2011, the gorgeous Sophie Falkiner. Sophie is best known as an Australian model and TV personality, hosting some of the most loved Australian television shows.
Sophie is the quintessential Australian natural beauty, a down to earth yet glamorous gal (and mother of two young children) who is a long time fan of the Carmex brand. Sophie gives us an insight into how she balances life, love and family!

Tell us about your gorgeous children.

I have 2 children. Isabella recently turned 7 in March and Jack has recently turned 3 years old. Bella is in year 2 at school and jack goes to day-care twice a week.

Has motherhood changed your beauty routine?

I have always looked after my skin, so my beauty routine is pretty similar. I've always been quite low maintenance and rarely have facials. And sunscreen has always been an absolute essential. However, getting out the door takes me 5 minutes now instead of 30. It's sunscreen, a little bit of concealer, bronzer and Carmex lip balm and out I go.

How do you juggle motherhood with your work and travel commitments?

I try not to take on so much work, that I get stressed that I'm not spending enough time with the kids. If I do go away or have a lot on, I try to be as organized as possible. So, as soon as I am home, I can do things, like going to reading groups with my daughter or taking my son somewhere special with just the two of us.

What's your own personal key to work-life balance?

It's different for all women. For me (in a perfect world) I like to work 2-3 days a week and spend the rest of the week with my children. To get the balance right, you need to say no occasionally. If you get burnt out, you are a useless mother, wife, and worker. I love to exercise a few times a week to give me some ' me' time. If I didn't have that I would be cranky!

What makes you laugh about being a mother?

Everything! I have two budding comedians in my home. I love when they try and tell me a joke and forget the punch line. When they decide to have a dance off and try and do some break dancing. When I'm getting cross at them about something and they start to giggle, and I can't be angry anymore. I'm very blessed they are sweet kids. I'm biased I know!

If you had your time again, would you do anything differently?

Not really. I realize I've been really lucky to have a lovely husband and healthy children. Personally, I would have worn sunscreen over my whole body (not just my face) from my teenage years. And, I would have started exercising in my 20's. I never knew I would love it so much!

As a mother, which three beauty products would you recommend as make-up bag staples to busy and / or new mothers?

Carmex lip balm, I'm obsessed. I have some with me wherever I go. Skin Doctors youth Cell range, I just started using it and I love it. Klorane dry shampoo, a godsend for new mums when they need to run out of the door quickly and their hair looks terrible.

Tell us your top tips about maintaining your own sense of self, once children come along?

For me, I love to schedule in exercise with friends a couple of times a week. Also, (so I don't back out of it...) a Pilates class or even a run. So we can catch up, do something productive and have a quick coffee afterwards.
With my husband, we try and schedule in a date nights at least once a fortnight, so we can check in and have an uninterrupted conversation, and have a laugh.
I also like to have bath's, to turn the TV off and read in bed and to have the occasional massage. Cooking is something I love to do on weekends, I turn on some music have a glass of wine and make something yummy. Finally, a good catch up with girlfriends always makes me happy.
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